Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Long Week Already

Hey all it's been a little while since my last post. A lot has happened in the last few days. I went to work monday and finally got my full job description. No they didn't tell me ahead of time some of the things I was going to have to do. One thing was having to go to a meeting a month at 6 pm after getting off of work at 4:30 so that ment I wouldn't really get to see my daughter those nights and I had to go to a meeting after my first day of work!! Ok incase some of you don't know my husband works a 7 and 7 schedule which means he's only home normally 7 days and away from home the other 7. So needless to say I would be leaving my daughter with someone pretty much all day. I was also told that they do some of the training on site but some of it is done away like in Baton Rouge and last more than a day. So once again I can't do that either. So needless to say I gave it a try but I quit at the end of my second day. I'm so happy now even if Aubrey beat on me all day and when asked if she was she was mad at me she said yes. Well let me go spend so great time with my baby. I missed her so much just those couple of days away from her.

Friday, September 21, 2007

A lot of changes

Hey everyone I know its been a little while since I've posted but I've had a lot of stuff going on. Well first things first I went apply for a job and just found out today that I got it!! So yeah me!!!! We went to my in-laws camp in Toledo Bend and Aubrey had a bad acident (diaper kind) on the way home so my hubby finally decided we need two car seats and he let me have the new one. Now the bad news the same day we bought our car seat my hubby almost burned our house down. It was an accident that could have been avoided but luckily we live not a mile from the firehouse and my father in-law came and helped but it out. It was outside and all we have to do is replace siding! Well guess I gotta go and deal with getting ready for Monday morning.

Monday, September 10, 2007

What is it about doing housework does anybody really like doing it??? If somebody does can they please come to my house and do it. I hate the fact that no matter how hard I try it only last a day! Just for example when we got back last night from my parents house I put half pint to bed and cleaned up the living room. When she got up this morning in under an hour she had the whole room completly dirty! How can a 15 month old do this so fast! I find myself walking around behind her and just picking everything up she moves. Well guess I got to go do more housework

Well had to have a little fun first

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Ok I am currently so frustrated with my half pint Aubrey. I know most mommies have this same problem too. Why is it when you are trying to do something anything they get clingy and just want you, but not just you they want you to sit on the floor and not even play with them!!! Sometimes I swear I just wanna pull the hair out of my hair when she pulls stuff like this. Well I guess I gotta go bc somebody "needs" me.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Well I applied for another job yesterday and hope I get this one. I've been trying to get a job since April and no luck. Until then I'll stay home with Aubrey and enjoy her silliness. Well guess that all for right now.